Use ""beggar-my-neighbour" policy" in a sentence

1. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one.

2. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one

3. Is he a politician who breaks the odd rule here and there, who engages in a spot of beggar-my-neighbour policy?

4. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy.

5. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy

6. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy (7).

7. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy and gear wage policy instead towards productivity.

8. We do not follow “beggar thy neighbour” macro-economic policies.

9. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy and gear wage policy instead towards productivity (7).

10. The social partners must therefore work to avoid wage restraints along the lines of a beggar-thy-neighbour policy and gear wage policy instead towards productivity’ (14).

11. Freeloading and beggar-thy-neighbour policies also need to be prevented

12. Freeloading and ‘beggar-thy-neighbour’ policies also need to be prevented.

13. In 1966, Whitfield played the leading role in the television sitcom Beggar My Neighbour which ran for three series.

14. The TEC - as it is called - should be able to discuss, for instance, how to avoid a beggar-thy-neighbour policy in national recovery plans.

15. In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.

16. As manufacturer we cannot stand by and let performance of the dealer agreement be jeopardised by beggar-my-neighbour pricing behaviour.

17. The Committee therefore calls on the Council and the Commission to strictly prohibit – or where necessary to abandon – any action tantamount to a beggar-thy-neighbour policy.

18. The Committee therefore calls on the Council and the Commission to strictly prohibit – or where necessary to abandon – any action tantamount to a beggar-thy-neighbour policy

19. We took the Washington Consensus as a basic mantra of global financial and economic development and continued the beggar-thy-neighbour policy until it was too late.

20. Welfare is reduced abroad – the phenomenon first described as “Beggar my neighbor” policy by Robinson (1947)

21. Beggar-thy-neighbour policies are implemented to benefit one country even though they harm others

22. Policy actions should be coordinated to avoid actions that could undermine conditions in other parts of the world and precipitate a downward cycle of beggar-thy-neighbour responses.

23. The "beggar -my-neighbour" policies pursued by countries in the 1930s did not defuse the economic crisis. Countries used deflationary monetary policies to boost export competitiveness.

24. This awareness notwithstanding, many in the developed world continue to practise their misguided “beggar-thy-neighbour” policy, which effectively precludes developing countries from satisfying the aspirations of their people

25. INTRODUCTION TO Beggar my neighbor

26. My neighbour is a cold fish.

27. Beggar my neighbours is his motto.

28. Beggar my neighbor (also known as Beggar-My-Neighbor, Beggar Your Neighbor, and Beggar-Your-Neighbor) is a children's card game which doesn't require the players to make any decisions

29. More international cooperation could help to avoid beggar-thy-neighbour policies and create synergies through joint industrial projects.

30. Unrestrained economic nationalism and “beggar-my-neighbour” policies took root almost everywhere in the 1930s, spilling over into political revanchism, totalitarianism and militarism in some countries, isolationism in others.

31. Download Beggar my neighbor Study Guide

32. Beggar my neighbours is his motto

33. Download Beggar my neighbor Study Guide

34. * China, as another immediate neighbour, is a priority in India's foreign policy.

35. My neighbour a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle.

36. Unrestrained economic nationalism and “beggar-my-neighbour” policies took root almost everywhere in the # s, spilling over into political revanchism, totalitarianism and militarism in some countries, isolationism in others

37. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

38. My garrulous neighbour had given away the secret.

39. He's my neighbour,but I haven't spoken to him.

40. During the Great Depression, beggar-thy-neighbour policies, where one country had tried to save itself, had brought down the global economy.

41. I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.

42. Coordinated action is needed to avoid costly “beggar-thy-neighbour” policies and to overcome the crisis for the benefit of all countries.

43. Though the "beggar-thy-neighbour" policies of the 1930s may be gone, we are a long way from a freely trading world.

44. Such beggar-thy-neighbour policies do not help any country in the end, and they are harmful to inclusive and sustainable development.

45. The food crisis had demonstrated the need for both importing and exporting countries to favour enhanced cooperation and coordination over beggar-thy-neighbour policies

46. Fortunately, a neighbour accidentally startled my assailants and the attack failed.

47. Open markets and a rule-based trading system, built on the World Trade Organization, were crucial bulwarks against protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies.

48. Delegates spoke of the destructive impact of “beggar thy neighbour” policies with respect to wages or exchange rates, in an integrated and interdependent world.

49. There's a lousy old beggar here, driving my luck away.

50. Better international coordination can also create important synergies through economies of scale, avoiding “beggar thy neighbour” policies and strengthening the position of participating countries.

51. “Once the gold standard was abandoned by the majority of nations they turned to the policies of the ‘beggar-thy-neighbour’ type described earlier.

52. The food crisis had demonstrated the need for both importing and exporting countries to favour enhanced cooperation and coordination over beggar-thy-neighbour policies.

53. Open markets and a rule-based trading system, built on the World Trade Organization, were crucial bulwarks against protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies

54. This will show their commitment against “beggar-thy-neighbour policies” in response to the crisis, especially when many of the neighbours are low-income developing countries

55. With our largest neighbour, China, we have consciously practised a policy of engagement that has yielded positive dividends.

56. We should be extremely careful about introducing “beggar-thy-neighbour” policies — for example, introducing new tariffs on key goods or mandating that stimulus funds be spent domestically.

57. Activating my insurance policy.

58. Where's my insurance policy?

59. Howdy, neighbour.

60. Hi, neighbour.

61. I left my dog in trust with a neighbour while I went on holiday.

62. The need for EU action is based on the evidence that isolated national approaches can lead to sub-optimal measures, unnecessary duplication, market inefficiencies and "beggar-thy-neighbour" policies.

63. Ultimately, it was the major players themselves who needed a rules-based international trading system; in its absence, they were likely to revive their past “beggar-thy-neighbour” policies

64. It was a bitter civil war, that pitted neighbour against neighbour.

65. What does Beggar mean? To make a Beggar of; impoverish

66. Why, then, call my policy unethical?

67. I have to rely on the kindness of a good neighbour to hang out my washing.

68. The beggar shambled past us.

69. The beggar fainted from hunger.

70. He was an opinionated beggar.

71. The beggar was disgustingly filthy.

72. It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs.

73. She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.

74. Britain's nearest neighbour is France.

75. Don't copy from your neighbour!

76. Love thy neighbour as thyself.

77. GOD AND MY NEIGHBOUR ROBERT BLATCHFORD In the tear-stained story of humanity there has never been Aught …

78. The couple Anatomized their new neighbour

79. He is a neighbour of ours.

80. The Beggar knocked on the door